ISO 45001 is a standard that is published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) for implementation of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) in an organization.
This standard helps you improve your OHSMS as well as proactively identify the risks and plan actions for the purpose of preventing or mitigating those risks. Australia is a fast-growing economy with many organizations on the rise every day. Therefore, by applying ISO 45001 Australia, your organization can gain a competitive edge over others. It also helps in building confidence among your staff, clients, customers, and shareholders that the safety and well-being of your work environment is your priority and therefore, the chances of occurrence of risks are very low for your organization.
The earlier standard that looked after the safety of the work environment was OHSAS 18001:2007, which was replaced by ISO 45001:2018. The organizations were given three years of time to revamp their OHSMS on the basis of this new standard and get certified. However, this timeline for transition was extended due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
ISO 45001 Certification Australia is applicable to all organizations, regardless of their size or sector of operations. The standard is aimed at establishing a healthy work environment and ensuring continual improvement of your OHSMS to meet the changing regulations related to it.
Benefits of ISO 45001 Certification :
Apart from the safe work environment, the benefits of ISO 45001 certification are many. These include:
- Prevention of the occurrence of occupational injury or accidents, thereby, reduction of liability costs.
- Reduced lost days that pertain to injuries or ill-health.
- Reduction in cost of insurance premiums
- Reduction in absenteeism
- A motivational boost for your workforce
- Enhanced flexibility in the adoption of changes due to transparency in processes.
- It ensures your legal compliance
- It reduces the downtime and enables the organization to return to its usual business after any risk event.
Who are eligible for ISO 45001 certification?
The growing consumerism has led to an exponential rise in customer’s demands and expectations. In a highly competitive market, making a mark of your own seems really challenging. It is all-the-more challenging to remain relevant for a long time. Therefore, to build confidence of your, customers, clients, shareholders, and your community, you will need to showcase a proof of your resilience to any crisis. Your workforce is needed to be assured about their safety at workplace in order to stay motivated and productive. Apply Online ISO 45001 Victoria, Australia offers a great help in achieving all that. Therefore, it can BE applied to any organization of any size or sector of operation.
What are the requirements of ISO 45001 certification?
The effective implementation of OHSMS in an organization can be achieved by fulfilling the compulsory requirements of ISO 45001 certification. These are listed in section 4 through section 10 of Annex SL of ISO 45001 Standard. The first three sections are introductory in nature and the last seven sections deals with the requirements of OHSMS.
- Section 4: Context of the organization– It includes all the factors- both internal and external- that may affect your organizations. It helps you in tailoring your OHSMS as per the requirements of your organization.
- Section 5: Leadership– This section mentions a more significant role of higher management in effective implementation of OHSMS. It provides for the ways of delegating roles and responsibilities.
- Section 6: Planning– It involves identifying the risks to your OH&S and planning actions to prevent or mitigate them. This will need an effective flow of communication through different channels at all levels.
- Section 7: Support– This section specifies the resources- human or infrastructure- that are required for the implementation of OHSMS.
- Section 8: Operation– This involves operating your OHSMS and assessing the procedures for their legal compliance.
- Section 9: Performance evaluation– This involves regular monitoring and measurement of your OHSMS in order to maintain its effectiveness.
- Section 10: Continual Improvement– A continual improvement of the management system requires regular assessment and planning.
Your certification journey starts only after you have implemented the quality management system in your organization and operated it for some days to check for its effectiveness. There should be proper documentation of it its usage during the time of the certification audit. After you are sure about the operations of your management system, you should Apply ISO 45001 Australia. To begin with, you will be required to fill out the application form and review the requirements of the certification. If your documentation matches with the ISO 45001 standard’s requirements, you must go for an internal audit. Following are the detailed steps for getting ISO 45001 Certification Australia:
- Internal audit: This is performed by an internal party to check for the consistency of documents with respect to the standard’s requirements.
- Management audit: At this stage, the management reviews the gaps from internal audits and makes decisions about the applicability of various sections of the ISO 45001 Standard for your organization.
- Corrective activities – At this stage, you are required to implement certain corrective actions in order to close the gaps that were identified from the above two stages. This requires you to document your corrective actions.
The certification process of ISO 45001 Certification comprises the following stages:
- Stage one (documentation survey) – The auditors from the certification body of your choice review your documentation to check for your preparedness for the certification audit.
- Stage Two (primary audit) – At this stage, the auditors review your processes for conformities or otherwise according to the requirements of ISO 45001 Standard as well as your own documentation. This is done by reviewing reports, records, and your company practices.
Injuries and hazards can occur in any work area. Your organization can become trustworthy in the market by displaying proof of the resilience of your occupational health and safety infrastructure through Apply ISO 45001 Australia. This, apart from enhancing the image, helps you in gaining a lot of business on a global scale. Hence, ISO 45001 certification in Australia has immeasurable benefits for your organization. Apply for it now with SIS Certifications.
Here’s a short video about what we are and what our services are all about – SIS CERTIFICATIONS
If you wish to know more about ISO 45001 Standard – CLICK HERE
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